Blog #4

So now i am currently working alone on my project because Isaiah moved away. So if i could change anything about my project if i started over would be to change my partner so i don’t have to work alone. Yes i will meet my initial goal of 40 or more movies watched and 15 or more blog posts on my movie review website. I have watched since the lost blog 3 more movies. And i am working on putting up my website since i have to change my idea a little bit because Isaiah left. The original idea was to make 5 or more YouTube videos review the movies but i changed that because i wasn’t gonna make YouTube videos by myself. My honest opinion on the 20 project is that i don’t really like it because i procrastinate easily and since it is a 4 month long project it is super easy to procrastinate and fall behind. Also it doesn’t help that i don’t have a partner anymore so i have to do this whole project by myself now. I feel like if it wasn’t so long that you would have better outcomes because people wont wait so long to do things for the project. And maybe if we had a couple more 20 project days just for people who cant get work done at home or procrastinate like me at home have some time to do it in class and hopefully get it mostly done in class. There are my honest thoughts on the this 20 project idea.







































































































































































Blog #3

So far Isaiah and I have watched 3 TV shows and and 16 movies.  Since our last blog that we didn’t do we have watched 1 TV show and 7 movies.  We are currently in the process of making some YouTube videos to review some of these movies and TV shows that we have watched.  We have 2 videos recorded they just need to be edited.  And then we have ideas on paper for a new video.  We have ran into a couple of problems, one being that my internet was down for a day and also I forgot my Netflix account password.  The things going good in this project is that Isaiah and I both get to enjoy watching movies and reviewing them.